
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

The Unique Person Christ Made Me

I awaken each morning with a smile brightening my face; to greet the day with reverence for the opportunities it contains; to approach my work with a clean mind; to hold ever before me, even in the doing of little things, the Ultimate Purpose toward which I am working; to love God with all my heart, to meet men and women with laughter on my lips and love in my heart; to be gentle, kind, and courteous through all the hours; to approach the night with weariness that ever woos me to sleep and the joy that comes from work well done–this is how I waste wisely my days till I get to go home!

Things that I LOVE-


Best Friends,


the one and only Anna Brue,




being wild,

busting a move,

Love (of all kinds and sorts),

watching the sunrise,



I dance with laughter- I dance in hope- I dance in my tears- I dance with Joy- I dance during the madness- I dance when everything is still- I dance with boldness-I dance while I sing- I dance while I pray- I dance in a crowd- I dance when I’m by myself-I dance just for the pure fun of it- I dance because I was made to dance, I dance anywhere and everywhere even if it is just in my own heart




Hanging out,

pimping out my Buick,


sitting out in the pouring rain,

running (yeah I actually like doing that),

sand dunes,

homemade cards,

brand new boxes of crayons and coloring books,


Star Wars,

singing really loudly with music in the car,

flying a kite,

the crazy things you do and say at 2 in the morning,

laying in the grass looking at the sky,

Ninja Turtles,

playing with little kids,

talking to anyone and everyone,

realizing that God is in everything,

sword fights,

sitting with the homeless,

being undignified!


riding the little kids bikes at Wal-Mart,


being tickled,

people being shocked that I contemplate Life & God in random places and the fact that it’s a normal occurrence,

teal blue sky,

meeting cool people anywhere (even places such as gas stations),

waking up praising God before I’m even conscious

deep conversations,

jamming to my music,

revolutionary thoughts & actions,

playing in play places!,


eating large tubs of ice-cream,

swing lessons,


getting random gifts for no reason,

Haven campers and all that comes with them (even the poop stories),

dancing on cruise ships,

trampoline time,

mud fights,

art museums,

doing random cartwheels,
sitting on the dock talking,


Falling asleep on the phone at 3am when we have talked for hours,

quiet moments of peace to cherish,

jumping on the beds in the Hilton Suits,

smiling at strangers,

large bath tubs,

trips to Salval,

people who write me music,

small group,

the beach,

falling asleep with someone I love,

walking in the woods,

Being in a large crowd where nothing matters but the people I am with and the laughter that comes with that,

local shows,

playing bored games,



high heels,


Gentlemen who treat me as a princess & encourage, strengthen, challenge, pray and fight for me,

putting a smile on someone else’s face,

moments you know could never be repeated,

chatting up random strangers,

spring breaks,

the way sand feels between your toes,

going to the library,

being with people who know me and love me anyways,

ice skating,

sharing great literature with friends,

the rising sun hitting peaceful water,

watching fireworks on a rooftop,

words of wise people,

ballroom dancing,

the prayers of a child and when they specifically pray for me,

goofing off,



random acts of kindness,

dresses that twirl out when I spin,

SNAP moments when I know it could only be God,



feeling beautiful,

the classic giggle of a child,


sharing my heart,


swinging on swings,


flip flops,

answered prayers,

leaning on someone’s shoulder when I am sitting next to them,


writing lyrics and the occasional poetry,

Honoring my King and prince in everything I do,

watching the sunset,

and OF COURSE-laying out under the stars,

Basically it all comes down to just enjoying this wonderful, marvelous, unique, blessed and beautiful life!

“Hey, life gets you down the majority of the time. But you aren’t alone in this. I want be the friend to break down your walls and share the light with you, I want to find you in your darkest place, in your most insecure, most vulnerable stage, and point you to the One who saves. He loves you and He has always wanted you to be near Him. He has always wanted you. He has always held your hand. He has never let you go; you have never been in this alone. I’ll be here. I don’t intend on leaving. The God who makes children laugh and believe in their most simplest of faiths, who’s passion, wisdom, and understanding human beings can not fathom, Jesus Christ who was willing to lay down His very life so that you may find freedom and know that you are loved. We need Him. We can’t do this on our own.

There’s somebody who cares.”


story is a tale – an epic adventure full of battles- victories and defeats, There are times of being lost and times of seeing the light. I’ve met many people some who are “important” and what some would claim as not, but each had some affect on this quest. It’s like the classic stories full of darkness and danger that have comedic moments and bright sunny days. The story is not yet over but I know how it shall end. I pray that I will stand before the Almighty beaten, bloody, bruised and broken…I’ll fall to my knees waiting for his response trembling I hear his words hit my ears and when they do

*light explodes in my heart*

as I hear

“Well done my good and faithful servant. You have
followed me even when you couldn’t see the end, you persevered when anyone else
would have given up, you lead others faithfully, you fought the good fight, you sought truth, you
loved wholeheartedly, and you invited others to follow me and showed them what
it meant to be my servant. My daughter I am so proud of you. My princess I
danced over you when you didn’t know, tears streaked my face when they fell
down yours, I rejoiced with you when you rejoiced, I led you to places no one
else would go, I fought for you, I prayed for you and I LOVE you. Well done!
You finished the race and I’m so glad to have you home

my lovely.”

but as I patiently wait longing for Heaven and desperately trying to seek the Kingdom I am on an important quest so for now I am still fighting, still pressing forward, still failing, messing up and screwing up, learning, growing, dancing and loving

This is my story-

the wake of darkness, Light set me free. Resurrection was claimed, my corpse
was stolen back from the pits of Hell. A thousand angels rejoiced. I found life
on Valentines Day 1992. I found true life.
Christ entered my life that day, and I have been forever changed. As I grew up Christ began revealing more and
more of his plan and will for my life. I
was baptized in February of 2000. The
same year I heard God’s calling to full time missions. However, Satan did not
want me to walk in the light; my junior high years brought many struggles, and
allowed Spiritual strongholds to be built up in my life. Before transformation occurs, humility must
be realized. The realization came when I
woke up with a headache on August 14th 2003 and it has yet to go
away. The headache made me realize that I was not in control, and neither was I
letting Christ control. Who was I? In respect to my
almighty Creator, I fell to my knees.
Christ met me there, and his spirit poured in. He started transforming
me from the inside out. His spirit used death, camps, mission trips, friends,
family, his Spirit and his Word to reveal to me more and more each day. He took
my inner most thoughts, my attitudes, my actions, my motives, my desires, my
goals, my dreams, my thoughts and began changing them to be fully his. The fruit of the spirit began to immerge in
my life. Christ has taken over! A
revolution is at hand, and as the Spirit now guides my ways. I have walked into
the Light. Once a slave of darkness, I am set

The will to fight back is now instilled. I am determined to love with the love
of Christ. I refuse to give up. My soul seeks out the lost and the forgotten.
With fire in my eyes, I speak truth against Satan’s
lies. I have chosen now to live for Christ. I am committed to live each day by the
spirit. I will lay down my rights and my
precious little wrongs at the feet of the Cross. Though I still fail, Christ’s
arms are always open to forgive and accept me back. Every day for the rest of
my life, I will grow closer and more in love with my savior.

For In the Name of
Jesus Christ, I Am Alive.