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What character do you relate to the most, Esther or Mordecai?

This is a hard question I’ve been battling back and forth with all week. In many ways I am like Mordecai calling out to
others to step up, that this is their time.
I am constantly coming before Christ over things that are going on in my
own life and many know to turn to me for prayer in their times of need. Many times I have been used to tell people of
great things that Christ has prepared them for, even if they are
difficult. I seek out Christ, knowing
and believing he will come through. Mordecai
knew the deliverance would come, if Esther was not willing God would use
someone else. He revealed many plots and
plans yet someone else would bring them to light before the dignitaries. I resemble
those characteristic. But then in many
respects I am like Esther- in places of dire need, where I must step up, because
I am the only hope at the moment. I am
like her in the constant need of gathering people to pray for me in situations. I have also had to come to a place were I can
say “if I must die, I must die�. I
really can not decide who I really resemble more. I am a definite combination of the two.

What can you apply to your life from their life?

Mordecai and Esther faced much great situations in higher
places than me yet they remembered their help was on their knees. Esther’s call for fasting and stuck out to
me. That this even then was such a
needed tool. I just finished a 40 day
fast and realizing as it was a way to draw closer to God; it is also an
attention getter for God. When you call
out to God he will answer. The
willingness of both to be used is astounding.
I can apply their courage, bravery, boldness, wisdom, prayers and fasting.