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God grants blessings in the craziness

Since we are unable to go to Kenya we returned to Alabanza outside of Pretoria to stay till we leave for Swaziland.

I WENT TO ATTERIDGEVILLE ON WEDNESDAY! It was so good to be back. We had to take public. We walked a ways down the road till a kumbi came by. All our cubbies are broken down… all.  We went to the cresh and the ladies were like O, putting their hands to their mouth and screaming. They were so surprised. It was so good to see Magdalene and Martha. I missed kissing African women. Gah, I love them so much. We went into the cresh to the kids and the ones who knew us ran to us.  They ran with the most gleeful smile on their faces and jumped into our arms. I talked to Martha and Magdalene for a while. Precious, who a member of the Africa team Chelsea D’s ministered to and led to Christ, had a premature baby.  The baby died this week. She is now living with Magdalene. It was so sad to hear of this.  

Amber, little Michelle and I then went off to find Lorain, Lawraine, Brenda and everyone else. We went first to Brenda’s and they were not there. This time in A-ville more and more kids said macula (white person) then normal.  When we were walking all of a sudden down one of the streets kids was like Olay lay… (a song we sing) and we are like O lay lay tiki tanga! They knew us 8weeks later. It had been 8 weeks I was gone from there, yet I still knew it like the back of my hand. Some places had changed some nice landscaping (ok nice for a squatter camp). Lawraine and Brenda were not home and her neighbor who had two beautiful sleeping babies didn’t know where she had gone.  We went past Solmie’s house and kind of stopped. She was one of our three ladies we went on house visits to. Her neighbor was like she died. She was buried the day before. That is a hard like heart slam. She was in a lot of pain and having a rough time…so I am glad she is home with the Father. I just pray she kept the faith. She had talked about wanting to maybe go to a Sagnoma.

We decided to go up to Lorain’s house. We get there and so many little kids on the way were coming up or screaming (good kind) and waving and laughing and singing. This one was like “I want to choice someone” another song we sang. She was only four and the oldest of the group that was running around. Lorain was not home. When we were in front of Lorain’s playing with the kids, there was a dD?!!!!!!! Lawraine was up two houses and comes running out. O man I was like dang I miss her and just kissed her and hugged her. We then went looking for the other Lorain but didn’t have much time. I bought airtime for Lawraine. She and I called Loraine and Brenda. Brenda was at home out of A-ville. So I talked to Brenda. Brendon is now walking perfectly and running around and getting into everything.

We were stopped a couple times once asking for money till she saw our bible and we were like we don’t have anything. We said we were going to Lorain’s and she was like “you are going to pray”. We were like yes and she was like ok, ok and walked away, we stopped at one of Lawraines friends and talked to the guy and gal. He had a McDonald’s hat on and we joked about the girls coming to America. I love Lawraine she is the best. We were running late, and let me tell you-you cannot hurry an African woman. We got back to the cresh and hung out hoping Lorain would show up.  Little Davey as we called her doesn’t even go to the cresh anymore but she came over to play with us. Mongesie is here name and she is beautiful.

Lorain and Innocinthia finally show up and I run down the hill to great them. It ends up Innocinthia had Diarrhea for 3 weeks. She was the same size as when we left. Lorain took her off her back and handed her to me and she cried.  She didn’t seem to remember me. That hurt. It really hurt… I mean she is a baby and all but for 2 months I held her. I tried holding her for a while and she burrowed down and played with my necklace I have had one since the Mountain weekend. She uses to always do that. Yet, she didn’t settle and she went back to Lorain. Lorain looked skinny. She said she had no money for food and was out scrimmaging for bottles to sell back to the vendors for money. I gave her ten rand. It breaks my heart to see her hungry. I am praying for Innocinthia and that she grows. We took public back and didn’t die! 🙂

It was good to be back.  It stretched my heart knowing I am not going to be staying here.  I love these people and it hurts to see them hurting.  Please keep them in your prayers.

We are to be taking a rented car to Swaziland tomorrow.  We learn more and more about what is going to be happening each day yet it is still little.  Please keep my team that is still flying in and our travels in your prayers.  God is at work yet things are still in desperate needs of prayers.  Kenya has been still in an uproar.  Kibera is not settled so it is wise not to be there right now.  It is still hard on our team to be switching countries, languages, internships, cultures and expectations.  Thanks for all your support and encouragement.  My address in Swaziland is the following.  Packages don’t get to us but padded envelopes work fine.  I love you. 

May God bless you and teach you of His ways

With love
