
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration


    The ministry location I have spent 3 weeks so far in is a township 5K from our homestead.  Attridgeville is what most people know as a squatter camp.  My afternoons are spent with a group of lovely women.  Some are Christians, some very close, some are completely new to Christ.  Lorain, Lorain, Brenda, Promise, Dora, DD Brenda’s cousin and Lorain and Brenda’s littlest kids along with Davy, Kristen, Amber and I have God time.  We will laugh, dance, worship, sing, pray, do house visits, have coffee, eat chips or biscuits(cookies), get cold drinks and whatever else God leads.  This week we started doing house visits to 2 different women who have had strokes.  Lydia and Sarah both are Christians that have had hard lives.  An example of a normal day for me would be as on Friday we went to visit Lydia.  I was holding Lorain’s 7 month old who feel asleep aubabing in front.  Lydia can not walk very well but God is slowly healing.  I sat on her bed and just held her hand when she needed it, or wiped away tears as she told us the story of losing her first born.  She is originally from Lesotho and has been living in South Africa since her stroke in 2003.  I love singing with her and the other women.  They know what worshiping God is really about.  We are right now making disciples, teaching, encourgaing and sharing with these women.  This place is going to be taken over by the love of Christ. Pray for strength for these women.  Many have kids and complicated to messy home situations.  Alcohol is one of the largest problems in Attridgeville.  Everyone has hard lives and drinking looks like the easy way out.  Many men are not taking care of their families instead spend days and nights at the bar.  We prayed with a few different men outside a bar on Thursday.  This next week I will be meeting with them every afternoon.  Thanks for your prayers they are more than appreciated.
With Love,