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Christmas in Africa was amazing.  I watched the sunrise over the ocean, had a large breakfast, I cooked Christmas dinner with all the fixings and even went to church.  Church was really the best part.
    I then went to church at Atimba in the township. It made me realize why
I am in Africa on Christmas. By this time it was raining, cloudy and
grey It was awesome to be out in the township. We went and walked
through the mud and creepy drunk men to get a little girl and then to
get 2 little boys. We had flip flops on and they just fliped mud up
onto our skirts and backs. We were wet, yet i loved it. I loved being
in the African homes on Christmas. We saw, how they celebrate or lack
there of because of poverty. It is hard here, because not everyone is
as poor. IF everyone is poor poverty doesnt seem so bad. I felt though,
very small. Coco was so cute and fidgity during church. He is only 4. I felt like even though I was loving on 3 littlle kids it
was still hard to know how many more were being neglected even then on
The little boy Coco was so clinging to me after awhile. Sitting with
the boys in church trying to keep them quiet was like one of those
moments in your life. Ones were you know you will remember it forever.
Afterwards we were spinning and twirling. I was soaking wet and very
muddy (so much for my silk skirt from india). Yet, the joy was the
truth of Christmas peace.