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Hosea 6:1-3
“Come, let us return to the LORD;
   for he has torn us, that he may heal us;
   he has struck us down, and he will bind us up.
After two days he will revive us;
   on the third day he will raise us up,
   that we may live before him.
Let us know; let us press on to know the LORD;
   his going out is sure as the dawn;
he will come to us as the showers,
   as the spring rains that water the earth.”

    The people of South Africa and Africa in general are desperately sucked into a life style of Hosea.  My prayer is that they would press on to know the Lord.  Pray for the healing of heart.  Just hear in Jeffery’s Bay please pray that God will bind up the broken, the rejected, the street kids that sniff glue, the 14 year old girls giving their bodies away, the suffering 22 year old that was burned almost completely at the age 7 and lives on the streets, the Afrikaans people who still don’t understand their place in culture, the kids who run around the townships not ever knowing a different life, the lifeguards that have lost family to AIDS, the rich who are coming on Holiday, the people who steal, the kids who go to the Joshua Project, the lady running the shop at the Fruit and Veg,  Patrick who is 14 and lost his mom and now lives on the streets, Lisa who works at the King Pie, the owners of Office 4 U, The lady who runs at coffee shop from Malawi and her daughter who has been discriminated against at school,  Rodney and his family who live in the colored community and who is hoping to start a business for the coloreds like the fruit and veg, the  one legged man who begs outside the 7-11, there are so many I could list just here in Jeffrey’s Bay.  Life here in Jeffery’s Bay is way different than Pretoria.  We just finished a Leadership/Discipleship conference.  We were so blessed to have Jim Baily, Nate, Greg and Ben fly in from the states.  They poured into us so much from the Holy Spirit.  We had session in the morning and one after lunch.  Ministry from 4-7pm every night.  God was so faithful in meeting us.  I pray that the African people will start to press on to know the Lord.  He will pour out his grace and mercy!  I can not wait for the day it is so evident in all the broken places of these peoples souls.  That is what I toil and pray for.
Thanks for all your prayers and support.