
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

November 10th-
    God has been teaching me to obey no matter how small or big.  Sometimes He speaks in definitive ways that are easier to understand.  Right now in my life it seems to not be that kind of direction.  God has been leading me with small words, and asking me to step out on faith.  I have been praying and working through getting to India over Holiday.  Right now I sit with out a visa or plane ticket.  I have no idea if God is going to come through on this one or if I will just spend my holiday on the beach.  I am not sure which I would prefer.  One thing I have learned is that what I prefer is not that important.  There are kids dying and going to hell all over India.  I would love to go love on them, to show them the heart of the Lord.  The Embassy was very harsh about seeing if we had any intention of going in to do missionary work.  It was a distinct if you have any inclination to go in to do mission work forget about it.  We just sat and said we understand sir. God has stretched me so much in trusting him even in his silence.  
    I am not sure how the India thing will play out, but right now I am in Africa and loving it. God has given me a heart for the people of Attridgeville.  He has also provided relationships with a few teenage locals that I love so much.  What is up against these teens is intense yet they are seeking Christ.  Heidi who I have grown so found of is 16 and has a 7 month old little boy.  God has been working in her heart in the last month to start rearranging her heart and breaking away hurts.  God is basically wrecking her for his Kingdom.  I love Sundays that we spend hanging out discussing America and South Africa.  She wants to go to America someday and have my parents cook her dinner.  She is such a light and I love her joy.  God is working in the hearts and minds all around here.  
My next semester is Kenya.  God has already begun to break my heart in compassion for the kids who He is so obsessed with. I love the fact that He doesn’t fail to give you what you need when He calls you.  I am starting to pick up the languages of South Africa and now must start learning Swahili.  Pray that I will pick up this language faster than I have been.  Pray that my tongue will some how know syllables and pronunciations.  I feel it is so important to be able to communicate in their own language. Many people I have talked to who have only english bibles find it hard to understand in a language that is not their own.  I want to be able to read from a bible in the language to whom I am ministering.  I tried this yesterday with Lydia who is from Lesotho.  I must admit I stunk!  Lorain helped me with pronunciation.  Pray that I will be able to learn these languages.  I find this a desperate need to further the Kingdom.  My tongue is not good at clicks.  We sit and laugh with locals as they try to teach me things that are so foreign to my mouth.  I love that time though.  They are able to share back with me.  

Prayer Requests:
Pray as the teams are now formed that we learn to unity and put full heart into community
Pray for my tongue to learn to speak these languages
Pray for safety
Pray that God will continue to wreck my heart and mind to be fully his.
Thanks for your prayers and love